There is no effort without error or shortcoming. — Teddy Roosevelt
In 1998, I feverishly pounded out the first draft of Chasing Deception (book one in the Jim Mitchell series) in five weeks. Full of ambition, but bereft of wisdom of how the publishing world works, I assumed my novel would be published in short order. Despite my overly abundant self-assurance, I had to wait until 2013 to get that story out. I was in a hurry, but God, as usual, had other plans.
Over the last 20 years, I have discovered the gift of patience and more about the craft of good writing than I ever could have expected during that summer half a lifetime ago. With Undue Pressure (2016) and Running (2018), I have completed the trilogy I never planned to write and hopefully given readers some characters that will stick with them after they turn the last page.
Over the last 20 years, I have discovered the gift of patience and more about the craft of good writing than I ever could have expected during that summer half a lifetime ago. With Undue Pressure (2016) and Running (2018), I have completed the trilogy I never planned to write and hopefully given readers some characters that will stick with them after they turn the last page.
The author of Fool's Luck and the Jim Mitchell series of novels (Chasing Deception, Undue Pressure and Running), award-winning novelist Dave Milbrandt fell in love with writing in junior high and has been a storyteller ever since. A former staff writer for a daily newspaper, the Southern California native spent five years in journalism and public relations before becoming a teacher.
In addition to working at several area colleges, Dave has taught high school English and Social Studies classes since 2005. Dave and his wife, who is also a writer, have been married since 1997.
Dave also has written a parenting book titled High School Declassified: An Insider's Guide to Helping Your Student Succeed and a short fiction work titled Canada Jones and the Legend of the True Cross.
In addition to working at several area colleges, Dave has taught high school English and Social Studies classes since 2005. Dave and his wife, who is also a writer, have been married since 1997.
Dave also has written a parenting book titled High School Declassified: An Insider's Guide to Helping Your Student Succeed and a short fiction work titled Canada Jones and the Legend of the True Cross.